Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pure Sweetness

So sorry I have been a little behind on blogging these last few weeks. There has been so much going on, mostly just keeping up with my little man most days.All of us stay at home mamas have moments when we say  "I am going to lose my mind! ". Today was a day full complete bliss, almost has a slap in the face to all those chaotic moments and times were I thought I couldn't do it anymore.

Every Tuesday we try and go to story time at our neighborhood library. I have to admit it has not been easy from the tantrums from not wanting to leave the house from the screams and tears because he does not want to be in the room where they are reading but instead he insists he wants to go and play at the train table instead.

I wanted him to get some social interaction with other adults and children of various ages and I hoped he would eventually warm up to the whole thing. Today was the day when it happened!

The moment I told him we were going to the library he was over joyed! Boogie was not shy as usual during story time instead he stood confidently and sang along with the Librarian  wheels on the bus go round and round, he payed attention to the librarian when she read all the books.

But what happened later was pure sweetness. My baby boy called out for one of his fellow story time friends for the very first time aloud .... almost as if he had known it all the while ... "Lauren!" he exclaimed!
He shared his trains with her, he moved out of the way for her to play on the train table - which has NEVER happened till today.

Then when it was time to leave which is usually when he will break out in tears, he looked over at Lauren and saw she was saying goodbye and then he said goodbye as well and was ready to go home. Outside he grabbed her hand and they held each other hands like any long time friends would do.

Pure sweetness was what I felt all over along with Donna Lauren's mom, we squeaked with enjoyment has we witnessed our children engaging on a deeper level.

No worries I pulled out my camera and snapped a few pictures to share with you all.

Have you and your LO had any tiny or huge milestones lately that you like to share? I love to hear them!

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