Thursday, September 5, 2013

RED party play date

First of all I need to let you know it has been a crazy last few weeks. Why? We MOVED! Enough said on that subject. I am exhausted and trying to get my energy back up after a whirl wind last couple of weeks.

Lucas had a hard time the first week adjusting. He kept saying "Home Mom" ... it broke my heart. I don't know who had a harder time him or me. None the less we are all adjusting to our new "home".

Today my friend Maria threw a RED party play date! Is that not a fabulous idea? I thought so too! We had red play dough, red balloons, ladybug craft, fancy stuffed pasta shells and a yummy red velvet lady bug cupcake.

Boogie had a great time and so did all the other kids. Here is a few shots from the playdate group

Lucas freaked at the thought of eating a "BUG"! .. him squirming

Do you guys have any ideas for a fun themed play date? I am thinking about running with the color theme and having a BLUE play date .... I shall keep you posted

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