Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lucas goes to Preschool

School?! You may think isn't he only three? Yes he is! Lucas is a very smart little boy and for now my only child. I could feel the need for him wanting more playtime with other kids. Are weekly playdates with friends was just not cutting it anymore.

So after much thought and prayer we came to a decision. To enroll him in a highly recommended Pre-School nearby. He can go all the way up to Pre-K here if we decide. ( I have no idea what tomorrow will bring but for now this is working out fine for our family)

So it was time for this mama to let go and let her little boy spread his wings. He only goes two and half days a week but it enough to fill his little heart of new and exciting things weekly and gives us lots of time to do other activities together. (He goes to sleep alot faster these days)

And so his journey begins:

 His first day!

Here is his classroom and all eight classmates

Hard at PLAY 

Are you and your little one trying any new activities this school year? We love to hear what all of you are up to!

Lucas turns TWO

I remember walking into stores when I was pregnant and random strangers would strike up a conversation with me. One of the running themes was how quickly there children grew up. A stranger at Starbucks noticed my belly and with tears in his eyes and a tender tone spoke  to me how raising his children was the most amazing and life changing experience ever.

Another older gentlemen suggested I record his voice when he was small to playback and remember what his first words sounded like.

Like many things in life you don't fully grasp the concept until you personally live through the experience. The same is with all of the words spoken to me before I gave birth, I would just smile polietly and nod my head in agreement but I really had no clue what they spoke of.

NOW he is TWO and I get it!

One YEAR later .....

I think it's been almost a year since I've blogged! I have missed it so much, but thankfully I am back at it.  We are doing well, we have moved into a fixer upper that we hope to flip. For now it is HOME. I will share some pictures of the new place soon.

Boogie is THREE now and I can feel him at a crossroad as he grows into boyhood. It is incredible to watch a human being develop right before your eyes.

The weather has finally cool down a bit here in FL (It's not 90 something) so we are enjoying the outdoors more, Lucas loves to play in the dirt.