Friday, June 28, 2013

It's Time to ACT!

It's TIME .... time for what? To ACT on something I have been saying for a few years now " I want to have a Blog" and it never happened till NOW! Now is better then NEVER.
So let me introduce myself ... I am a thirty something Mama to a beautiful boy named Lucas AKA BOOGIE! My little brother gave him that nick name when he first layed eyes on him almost 2 years ago this September. Our family has always used little names of endearment towards one another. 

SO this Blog will mostly talk about Boogie and our adventures, storms and joys has a first time new mama.

Occasionally there will be RANDOM outbursts and rambles on my part of trivial insignificant things or VIP topics  that I believe are interesting, funny, or darn right OUT THERE ... so let's do this! 

Today I want to talk about how positive friendships can really push us out of our comfort zones and force us to do things that we believe our out of our reach! I am truly blessed to have a variety of amazing girl friends that do just that for me. Over the years I have had MAJOR life changing events and  I've learned that finding a TRUE BLUE GOOD friend that stands the test of time is hard to find and keep. Do you find that to be true?

This very first post is dedicated to my amazing and talented friend Omara .... she is one of those special friends that I share my most WILDEST DREAMS even if I know that I will never do them but just MAYBE one day I will and she never knocks them down in fact she DREAMS BIG just like me. Blogging is something her and I have always talked the talk about and here I am BLOGGING. So this one is for you my dreamer bestie! We all NEED a friend who we can DREAM with would you not agree?

Remember keep those DREAMER and UNIQUE special friends CLOSE ... they are rare and far between and they will truly come to your side to laugh, cry and most importantly let YOU be YOU! 

Have you noticed has adults it's hard to keep up with our OLD and NEW friendships?

How do you stay connected on a DEEPER level with FRIENDS? ( Social media does not count  ... or does it?)

I love to give my friends a spontaneous unplanned telephone call (gasp) yes a call! Nothing beats hearing there voice on the other end.

LOVE to hear what you do to keep GOOD friends CLOSE. 

Till next time .....  DREAM ON and Have a great weekend!


  1. Beautiful post. Cheers to good friends!

  2. Look at YOU! You blogger you! Great first post
    I absolutely LOVE our spontaneous phone calls....

    1. I really enjoy when we get talk to! My Skype has not been working either =( need to figure that out! Gotta love technology eh?

  3. So true, thanks for the post, good for one to self reflect on for improvements!
    Time is tight as a JW as I write a response to your post x2 attempt my hubby just said "te la pasas en el telephono"- love him ;) and my son is yelling "I want peanut butter" LOL

    Guilty of texting, face/email messaging but Service, or over food and drinks has been working for us making and keeping friends as a couple :)

    My Bestie is always in my heart!

    1. My BFF ~ time does fly when were raising toddler BOYS that want us at there every beck in call .. people say it gets eaiser?! Let's see ;)

      I am glad you guys are taking some time out of your hectic schedules to mingle with some good friends it's really healthy! xoxo
